Nage No Kata + Katame No Kata + Ju No Kata + Latin Spice = This Weird, Majestic... Thing

That headline has to bring you in, right? A friend shared this with me today. I'm not sure what it is, but I like it.

I think my favorite is the climbing juji. Or the slow-mo climbing yoko guruma.



Patrick Parker said...

That is amazing skill! !!!

kodokanjudo said...

judo meets gymnastics?

Jacob said...

That climbing yoko guruma was my favorite.
I'm always saying that throwing fast doesn't mean you're throwing well, but if you can throw in slow-mo then you kinda have to be doing it well. That was a great example of that - especially because of the techniques demonstrated.
that said - nobody get any ideas from that seoi nage.... he was sticking his butt out.

kodokanjudo said...

Good points Jake, notice that in his video, Mifune-sensei did his yoko-guruma very close to that one. As far as the butt sticking up is for the tori to have some support...