Nage no Kata Attacks - Uke Gets ... No Smarter?: The Sumo Shuffle
... Umm... I got nothing. And I don't like it.
As I mentioned in this post, I have a hypothesis that there was some reason for Tori to select the throw she does... some reason more meaningful than "Tori really wanted to do Uki Goshi." So, in these posts, I explored the subtle differences in Uke's actions which trigger specific throws, and I am pretty satisfied with the answers.
As I was performing the Kata the other day, however, I couldn't discern any difference between what Uke was supposed to be doing during the "Jigotai Shuffles" in Sumi Gaeshi vs. Uki Waza. So I started reading. I have a few books by people who know a lot more about Kata than I do, and thus far, I have been really happy that these books have been able to answer the questions I have had. Not so here. In Formal Techniques, Draeger mentions no difference. In fact, he says a few times that Uke and Tori are repeating themselves in Uki Waza. Same thing in Leggett's book. Same in Kawaishi's.
So... is my hypothesis wrong? (I already know your answer, LEO!) Or, is there some difference that these clowns didn't pick up on? What do you think? Do any of you guys do anything differently to induce Uki Waza instead of another Sumi Gaeshi?